Sabtu, 22 November 2008

Saturday, 22nd of November 2008

Wets gue udah lama ga nge-post nih, maklum sekarang lagi males internetan. Oh ya sebelum itu gue pengen ngucapin,
Wish you all the best and may all your wishes come true. Sorry for not coming to your party :P

Oke, sekarang gue mau cerita soal hari ini.
Hari ini gue bangun jam 7 pas. Terus pas gue turun dari tempat tidur, gue inget kalo hari ini ada atletik. Tapi gue emang pada dasarnya males, jadi mikir "ah ga usah atletik ah, biar lari di sekolah aja, udah terlambat juga". Padahal kalo gue mau, gue bisa aja tuh pergi ke Senayan, dan ga akan mungkin telat. Orang rumah gue deket banget gitu sama Senayan (5 menit naik mobil, 15 menit jalan kaki). Emang biasanya kalo atletik gue bangunnya jam setengah 7an gitu, soalnya pemanasan mulainya jam 7.

Nah males gue tambah parah karena, begitu gue jalan ke ruang TV dan nyalain TV, Desperate Housewives lagi diputer. Dan karena gue belom nonton episode minggu ini jadilah gue duduk di sofa, ngambil bantal sama nyomot kue sambil nonton TV, selesai jam 8. Gue juga sebenernya masih bisa ke Senayan, tetapi gara gara gue ngeliat ada laptop nganggur, langsung aja gue buka terus gue otak-atik.
Pada saat itu bokap gue dateng, terus nyuruh gue nginstall software buat koneksi internet gitu (gue gatau namanya, pokoknya yang pake sim card aja, yang punya Indosat).

Terus sekitar jam 11an gue nemenin bokap ke Indosat yang ada di Artha Graha-Sudirman. Karena koneksi internet yang tadi belom diaktifin ternyata =,=
Pas gue dateng, gue liat kok Indosat sepi ya? Terus gue liat pengumuman ditempel, katanya Indosat lagi ga bisa melayani pelanggan sementara ini. Akhirnya gue telfon supir gue, nyuruh dia balik lagi (tadinya mau parkir di kantor bokap gue). Selesai gue telfon ada satpan ngehampirin kita, terus dia bilang kalo Indosatnya ternyata BUKA! wtf abis sumpah!
Oke, gue udah capek aja dengernya -__-", jadi gue telf supir gue lagi, nyuruh dia buat parkir. Terus kita masuk ke Indosat, daftar, nunggu, dipanggil, urusan selesai. (heeeeh, finally!)

Abis itu gue pulang, terus berangkat les lagi. Abis les niatnya gue pengen nyari kado buat Ruth, bareng Manda, Laddy sama Cika gitu, pengen patungan :P (ga modal gue), tapi gajadi.
Terus malemnya gue nelfon Suryo, niatnya kalo gue ga ada yang nganter. Gue jalan aja ke rumah dia terus nebeng. Eh, ternyata dianya malah ga bisa dateng. Dan gue juga ada urusan ternyata, batal pergi deh. Jadi yang dateng setau gue cuma Manda sama Laddy gitu.
Maaf ya Ruth, I was so busy that I couldn't come to your party :'(

Oh ya, Kamis kemaren gue ketemu Icat (mantan temen les gue), cuma ngobrol sebentar sih, but that was fun!
Gue ngoborol macem macem sama dia, dia cerita kalo HP-nya tuh pernah ilang dicolong. Sumpah ceritanya geblek banget. Di post yang berikutnya deh gue cerita. Sekarang gue mau nonton dulu yew, BYEEEEEE!

Jumat, 14 November 2008

Top 5 Songs

Gue lagi pengen nge-post tentang lagu nih. Jadi gue bakal ngebahas lagu-lagu yang gue suka sekarang.

No.1 = Crush - David Archuleta

Pasti orang-orang ngira no.1 pasti lagunya Jonas Brothers. Tapi sayangnya gue lagi suka banget sama lagu ini. Gue sampe pernah ngedengerin lagu ini diulang sampe 17 kali, kalo diitung gue 1 jam cuma denger lagu ini (1 lagu: 3,5 menit x 17 = 59,5 menit). Kinda freak, but the song is just AMAZING! Liriknya dalem banget dan Archie nyanyinya sepenuh hati, bikin kita kayak kebawa sama lagu itu. Kalo videonya kurang bagus menurut gue, tapi Archie-nya sih tetep ganteng dong hehe :)

No. 2 = Please Be Mine - Jonas Brothers

Oke, akhirnya Jonas juga. Lagu ini termasuk easy-listen, kita cukup dengerin aja juga udah ngerti, soalnya lagunya slow gitu jadi ga perlu nyari lirik. Jadi lagu ini cocok banget buat nembak cewek. Liriknya penuh arti dan harapan (cie bahasa gue ckck). Si cowok suka banget sama si cewek tapi everybody say "He's not good enough". Si cowok tetap ga nyerah and he says, "I'll be there forever, you will see that is better. I'll not disappoint you, I'll be right there for you. Till the end of time. Please be mine". Bagi gue lagu ini bener bener dalem, kayaknya gue juga mau deh ditembak pake lagu ini :P dan kalo lo mau coba mainin lagu ini pake gitar lumayan gampang kok. Maaf ya video-nya ga official, susah sih nyarinya. Hope you enjoy it!

Click here to see Please Be Mine (original)

No. 3 = Hasta La Vista - Camp Rock

Lagu ini jadi soundtracknya Camp Rock, dinyanyiin pas Final Jam sama Roshon Fegan, Jordan Francis sama Anna Maria Perez de Tagle. Lagunya asik gitu, pop rock. Gue susah nge jelasinnya, jadi kalo mau liat, liat aja disini.

No. 4 = Super Human - Chris Brown feat Keri Hilson

Yang ini gue suka gara gara liat video-nya. Videonya keren banget bangetan, 2 thumbs up deh, tapi menurut gue agak beda dari liriknya. Gue males ngedeskripsiin-nya. Lagunya RnB gitu. Tapi gue saranin lo liat video-nya aja deh hehe :)

No. 5 = Goodnight and Goodbye & Poor Unfortunate Soul - Jonas Brothers

Ini sebenernya 2 lagu yang berbeda tapi sama sama dinyanyiin Jonas sih. Dua-duanya enak banget. Lagunya cepet banget, lo hampir ga bisa ngikutin liriknya jadi mendingan lo nyari liriknya dulu aja. Goodnight and Goodbye gatau kenapa kayaknya old school gitu. Kalo Poor Unfortunate Soul, ini sebenernya soundtrack-nya Little Mermaid. Lagunya cepet banget, gue salut sama Joe yang bisa nyanyiin ini. Kalo gue mah kayaknya lidah gue udah keburu belibet ckck.

Jadi segini aja post gue kali ini. Maaf kalo kurang bagus nge-reviewnya soalnya gue agak males sih. Oh, iya gue juga masih kesel gara gara Rihanna ga jadi dateng ke Indonesia, tapi untungnya gue ga jadi beli tiketnya, hahaha lucky me. See you later guys!

Kamis, 13 November 2008

Twilight Movie

Today I want to tell you about Twilight Movie, I wrote it in English. But if you don't understand, just ask me okay :)

Twilight is an upcoming 2008 romantic-fantasy film directed by Catherine Hardwicke and based on the novel of the same name by Stephenie Meyer. The film stars Kristen Stewart as a teenage girl who falls in love with a vampire, played by Robert Pattinson. The project was in development for approximately three years before it was put into pre-production by Summit Entertainment. The novel was adapted for the screen by Melissa Rosenberg in the autumn of 2007, shortly before the 2007–2008 Writers Guild of America strike. The film was primarily shot in Oregon during the winter and spring of 2008. Twilight will be released domestically on November 21, 2008.The soundtrack was released on November 4, 2008.

Seventeen-year-old Isabella "Bella" Swan moves to the small town of Forks, Washington, to live with her father, Charlie. There, she finds herself drawn to a mysterious classmate, Edward Cullen, who is revealed to be a 108-year-old vampire who is physically seventeen. Although Edward discourages the romance at first, they soon fall deeply in love. When the arrival of three nomadic vampires, James, Laurent, and Victoria, puts Bella's life in danger, Edward and his family, Alice, Carlisle, Esme, Jasper, Emmett and Rosalie, put their lives at stake to save her.

The Cullens and The Swans

Kristen Stewart as Bella Swan, a seventeen-year-old girl who moves to the small town of Forks, Washington, from Phoenix, Arizona, about halfway through her junior year of high school.

Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullen, a 108-year-old vampire who appears to be seventeen. He is Bella's love interest and has the ability to read minds (except Bella's), along with superhuman speed and strength.

Peter Facinelli as Carlisle Cullen, a compassionate "300-plus years [old]" vampire who looks to be in his mid-20s. He serves as the town's physician and is the father figure of the Cullen family.

Elizabeth Reaser as Esme Cullen, Carlisle's vampire wife and a mother figure to the Cullen family.

Ashley Greene as Alice Cullen, a vampire who can see the future based on decisions that people make.

Jackson Rathbone as Jasper Hale, a member of the Cullen family who can manipulate emotions. He has the most difficulty maintaining the Cullens' lifestyle of not feeding on humans.

Nikki Reed as Rosalie Hale, a member of the Cullen family who is described as the most beautiful person in the world.

Kellan Lutz as Emmett Cullen, the strongest vampire of the family.

Billy Burke as Charlie Swan, Bella's father and Chief of Police in Forks

Nomadic Vampires

Cam Gigandet as James, the leader of a group of nomadic vampires who intends to kill Bella.
Rachelle Lefèvre as Victoria, James' mate who helps him in finding Bella.
Edi Gathegi as Laurent, the most civilized member of James' coven.


Sarah Clarke as Renée Dwyer, Bella's mother who lives in Arizona with her new husband, Phil.
Matt Bushell as Phil Dwyer, Bella's stepfather who plays minor-league baseball in Florida.
Taylor Lautner as Jacob Black, an old childhood friend of Bella's and a member of the Quileute tribe.
Gil Birmingham as Billy Black, Jacob's father and a friend of Charlie's.
Solomon Trimble as Sam Uley, a member of the Quileute tribe.
Christian Serratos as Angela Weber, one of Bella's new friends in Forks.
Michael Welch as Mike Newton, one of Bella's new friends who wants her attention.
Anna Kendrick as Jessica Stanley, Bella's first friend in Forks.
Gregory Tyree Boyce as Tyler Crowley, another one of Bella's classmates, also wants Bella's attention. (He nearly hits Bella with his van.)
Justin Chon as Eric Yorkie, another one of Bella's classmates who wants her attention.
Ned Bellamy as Waylon Forge, one of Charlie's friends at the police station (karakter ini ga ada di buku)
José Zúñiga as Mr. Molina, Bella's biology teacher at Forks High School (di buku namanya Mr. Banner)

Directed by
Catherine Hardwicke
Produced by
Mark MorganGreg MooradianWyck Godfrey
Written by
Stephenie Meyer (novel), Melissa Rosenberg (screenplay)
Music by
Carter Burwell
Elliot Davis
Editing by
Nancy Richardson
Distributed by
Summit Entertainment Entertainment One Ltd. (UK)
Release date(s)
November 21, 2008 (USA, CAN)December 11, 2008 (AUS)December 19, 2008 (UK)
Running time
120 min.
United States

If you want to watch Twilight, I suggest you to read the novels first, it will help you to understand the film. Twilight Saga has 4 books. Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. You can buy it in Kinokuniya (English Version) and Gramedia (Indonesian Version). But it will be better if you read the english version, it is easy to read. I've already read it all and I think, those are the most amazing novels I've ever read. I hope you guys enjoy it too.

Click here to see the review of twilight saga

Rabu, 12 November 2008

Jonas Brothers

Jadi post gue kali ini adalah tentang Jonas Brothers, yeah my favourite band.
Jonas Brothers berasal dari Wyckoff, New Jersey, USA. Band ini ber-genre pop.

Jonas Brothers terdiri dari:

Paul Kevin Jonas Jr./Kevin Jonas (lahir: New Jersey, 5 November 1987) - gitar, backing vocal.
Joseph Adam Jonas/Joe Jonas (lahir: Arizona, 15 Agustus 1989) - vokalis utama, tamborin, gitar di lagu "A Little Bit Longer"
Nicholas Jerry Jonas/Nick Jonas (lahir: Texas, 16 September 1992) - vokalis, gitar, piano (When You Look Me In The Eyes, A Little Bit Longer), drum (Australia).

John Taylor - gitar
Greg Garbowsky - bass, gitar
Jack Lawless - drum

Sebelumnya, Jonas Brothers itu adalah proyek solo anggota band yang paling muda, Nicholas Jonas. Dari kecil, dia berakting di beberapa pertunjukan teater. Dia pernah menyanyikan lagu berjudul Dear God, yang cepat menjadi hit. Eksekutif Columbia Records mendengar lagu tersebut, dan sangat menyukai suara Nick. Kemudian, Nick menanda tangani kontrak dengan perusahaan tersebut. Tetapi, setelah eksekutif Columbia Records mengetahui bahwa dia memiliki kakak - kakak yang berbakat dalam musik, sang eksekutif menyuruh mereka menyanyikan salah satu lagu mereka. Karena dia menyukainya, maka kakak beradik Jonas menanda tangani kontrak untuk album mereka yang pertama, It's About Time.

Setelah bergabung dengan Columbia, mereka langsung memutuskan nama band, sebelumnya Sons of Jonas, tapi mereka memilih Jonas Brothers. Selama tahun 2005, mereka dipercaya menjadi pembuka untuk konser Kelly Clarkson, The Click Five, dan The Veronicas.
Mereka merilis album mereka, It's About Time pada tanggal 8 Agustus 2006. Dalam album itu, mereka menyanyikan 2 lagu dari band Inggris, Busted, yaitu "Year 3000" dan "What I Go To School For". Columbia Records mulai tidak tertarik untuk mempromosikan band tersebut, sehingga Jonas Brothers berpikiran untuk berganti label. Single pertama album tersebut adalah "Mandy", lagu tentang mantan dan sahabat vokalis band, Joe Jonas. Musik video untuk lagu tersebut ada 4 buah, 3 buah menjadi cerita bersambung, 1 buah khusus untuk Yahoo. Musik video tersebut menjadi favorit, dan segera menduduki peringkat ke 4 di TRL. Jonas Brothers juga menyanyikan lagu tema serial TV American Dragon: Jake Long. Single kedua mereka, "Year 3000" menjadi favorit di Radio Disney.

Band tersebut beralih dari Columbia ke Hollywood Records. Kira - kira, pada waktu yang bersamaan, mereka membintangi iklan televisi Baby Bottle Pop dan menyanyikan 2 lagu untuk 2 album yang berbeda, yaitu Kids of the Future dan I Wan'na Be Like You. Album mereka yang berjudul Jonas Brothers(album) dirilis pada tanggal 7 Agustus 2007. single pertama mereka, "Hold On", dan single kedua mereka "S.O.S". Single S.O.S. adalah single mereka yang paling dikenal orang.
Mereka juga mulai membuat beberapa penampilan sebagai bintang tamu di
Hannah Montana. Mereka juga tampil dalam acara Miss Teen USA 2007. Mereka juga menyanyi dalam penutupan Disney Channel Games dan menyanyi di AMA. Penampilan terakhir mereka pada tahun 2007 adalah di Dirk Clark's Rockin' New Years Eve.

It's About Time
Jonas Brothers (#5 Billboard 200, #18 United World, #6 iTunes)
Jonas Brothers: Bonus Jonas Edition
A Little Bit Longer (#i Billboard 2008)

"Year 3000" (#33 US Pop 100, #31 US Hot 100, #15 US Hot Digital, #10 iTunes Top 100)
"Poor Unfortunate Souls"
"Kids of the Future"
"Hold On" (#38 US Pop 100, #53 US Hot 100, #18 iTunes Top 100)
"S.O.S" (#17 US Pop 100, # 17 US Hot 100, #4 US Hot Digital, #25 United World, #1 iTunes Top 100)
"When You Look Me In The Eyes" (#37 US Hot 100, #14 US Hot Digital, #11 iTunes Top 100)
"Burning Up"* (#5 US Hot 100, #1 iTunes Top 100)

Lagu lain dari album kompilasi
"Yo Ho (A Pirate's Life For Me)" - Disney Mania 4
"Time For Me To Fly" - Aquamarine soundtrack
"I Wanna Be Like You" - Disney Mania 5
"Girl of My Dreams" - Disney Channel Holiday

Camp Rock (as Connect 3. Kevin as Jason, Joe as Shane Gray, Nick as Nate)

Serial TV
Hannah Montana
(bintang tamu), 2007
Disney Channel Games 2008 [Kevin = Captain of The Comets (Yellow Team), Joe = The Cyclones (Green Team), Nick = The Inferno (Red Team)]

Dari semua Jonas favourite gue itu Kevin. Pasti orang-orang pada heran kenapa gue suka sama dia, sementara yang lain lebih milih Joe atau Nick. So guys, I love Kevin
because he's AMAZING. Kalian mesti liat dia di stage, dia skillful banget main gitarnya, dan dia juga ga jelek kok. Meskipun dibanding Joe atau Nick dia mungkin yang paling "average". Lagian kalo Joe sama Nick kan udah banyak yang suka hehehe. And I love his hair (straight or curly that's no difference for me :D)

Jadi sekian post gue kali ini, see you guys later :)

First Post

Hello everyone, this is my first post. So, I'm gonna tell you about my blog.
Sebenernya gue bikin blog ini cuma buat tugas TIK, tapi moga moga aja gue bisa terus nge-post terus ya :)
Basically, this blog is untitled, soalnya gue ga ngerti mesti nulis apa disini, jadi gue bakal nge-post apa aja yang gue bisa (mostly just random crap) hehehe.
So hope you like it and enjoy it :D